Educational workshops on sustainable development and culture from the "Kourion 2030" organization

The "Kourion 2030" Organization, in the framework of the nomination of the Municipality of Kourion for the title of European Capital of Culture 2030, organizes in collaboration with the University of Limassol, a series of educational workshops on sustainable development and culture.

The aim of the workshops is to inform and activate the wider society in shaping a sustainable and green cultural future for the region.

Scheduled workshops include:

Analysis of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

European Green Deal

Transition to Green Cultural Entrepreneurship

The workshops will be conducted by Professor Dimitris Tsiropoulos, Director of the CIIM Bioeconomia Centre, and are aimed at teachers, students, parents, active citizens, municipalities, regions and responsible businesses.

The theme of the workshops is linked to the formation of the 10-year cultural strategy of the Municipality of Kouri. Participants will have the opportunity to understand the connections between culture and sustainable development, and to actively contribute to the formation of a society based on the principles of ecological consciousness and social justice. The Municipality of Kourion aspires to become one of the pioneers in green cultural entrepreneurship and to leave a positive imprint on future generations.

The program of the workshops includes online and live sessions, which will take place in June and July 2024 at the offices of the "Kourion 2030" organization at the "Argo" Cultural Center, in Erimi.

Participation in the workshops is free and all participants will receive a certificate of attendance. For declarations of participation, those interested can fill out the registration form.

For more information, contact Michalis Karakatsani, Project Leader of the "Kourion 2030" organization at +357 99404723.


The workshop for the cultural participation of the youth of the "Kourion 2030" organization was successfully completed